

notes from a passionate developer





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C#, Custom Date and Time Format Strings - with semantics

When it comes to formatting dates and time strings, people seem to forget (I don't blame them) and mixes up stuff like M vs m; which one is months and which one is minutes? And how many characters was it to get abbreviation instead of month number? I took a few minutes, violated some principles and put together a simple fluent API with semantic meanings in the formating process. Now, it will not cover everything, but you will get the idea.

Lets have a look at how you can put it to use:

static void Main(string[] args)
    var f = F.Date
    var s = DateTime.Now.ToString(f, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


=> 2014-03-18 19:07

Now, I have set some defaults here, so the TimeFormat class, returned by the final Minute() call, will return: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm.

Lets say I would like to have something like: 18-Mar, 2014 19:07, you would then consume it like this:

var f = F.Date
         .Month(m => m.Abbreviation).And(',')

which produces the format: dd-MMM, yyyy HH:mm.

Again, just a simple example put together in a hurry. The point is that you can put semantics into plumbing code as well.



public static class F
  public class Year
    public static class As
      public const int Century = 4;
      public const int Decade = 2;
      public const int Single = 1;

    private static readonly Lazy<Year> InstanceFn = 
        new Lazy<Year>(() => new Year());

    public static Year Instance { get { return InstanceFn.Value; } }

    private Year() { }

    public int Century { get { return As.Century; } }
    public int Decade { get { return As.Decade; } }
    public int Single { get { return As.Single; } }

  public class Month
    public static class As
      public const int Full = 4;
      public const int Abbreviation = 3;
      public const int Number = 2;
      public const int Single = 1;

    private static readonly Lazy<Month> InstanceFn = 
        new Lazy<Month>(() => new Month());

    public static Month Instance { get { return InstanceFn.Value; } }

    private Month() { }

    public int Full { get { return As.Full; } }
    public int Abbreviation { get { return As.Abbreviation; } }
    public int Number { get { return As.Number; } }
    public int Single { get { return As.Single; } }

  public static DateFormat Date { get{return new DateFormat();}}

  public static TimeFormat Time { get { return new TimeFormat(); } }

public class DateFormat
  private readonly StringBuilder _value;

  public TimeFormat Time
      _value.Append(" ");
      return new TimeFormat(_value);

  public DateFormat(StringBuilder value = null)
    _value = value ?? new StringBuilder();

  public DateFormat And(string s = null)
    _value.Append(s ?? "-");
    return this;

  public DateFormat Year(Func<F.Year, int> f)
    return Year(f(F.Year.Instance));

  public DateFormat Year(int i = 4)
    _value.Append('y', i);
    return this;

  public DateFormat Month(Func<F.Month, int> f)
    return Month(f(F.Month.Instance));

  public DateFormat Month(int i = 2)
    _value.Append('M', i);
    return this;

  public DateFormat Day(int i = 2)
    _value.Append('d', i);
    return this;

  public static implicit operator string(DateFormat item)
    return item._value.ToString();

  public override string ToString()
    return _value.ToString();

public class TimeFormat
  private readonly StringBuilder _value;

  public DateFormat Time
      _value.Append(" ");
      return new DateFormat(_value);

  public TimeFormat(StringBuilder value = null)
    _value = value ?? new StringBuilder();

  public TimeFormat And(string s = null)
    _value.Append(s ?? ":");
    return this;

  public TimeFormat Hour()
    return this;

  public TimeFormat Minute()
    return this;

  public static implicit operator string(TimeFormat item)
    return item._value.ToString();

  public override string ToString()
    return _value.ToString();
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