

notes from a passionate developer




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Daniel Wertheim

Daniel Wertheim

Routemeister optimizations

Just release v0.2.0 of Routemeister [https://github.com/danielwertheim/routemeister]. In this release the internals has be rewritten to use IL Emits to get quicker method invocations. This also allows Routemeister move away from singletons when it comes to resolving instances of the classes implemen…

Daniel Wertheim Daniel Wertheim

JSON.Net Private Setters NuGet

First. I have nothing to do with the awesome official [https://github.com/JamesNK/Newtonsoft.Json] library "Newtonsoft.Json". This is merely a tiny extension to it. In 2010 I was writing a NoSQL'ish document oriented provider over Microsoft SQL Server (SisoDB). While doing this I found…

Daniel Wertheim Daniel Wertheim