I know the wheels are turning in the .Net community with not being so bound to Windows. I think it's awesome that we broaden our territory and get a richer "smorgasbord" to pick from. How-ever, if you still are tied to Windows due to infrastructure agreement or because you just love it, then it might me interesting to know that Nats just got official support for Windows.
Taken directly from their site, Nats is:
Open Source. Performant. Simple. Scalable. A central nervous system for modern, reliable and scalable cloud and distributed systems.
There's also an official client that you can use today in your applications. I've also started working on something that eventually will hit GitHub. It builds on the code covered in my previous writings. Go check it out.
Previous posts
- NATS, What a beautiful protocol
- Simple incoming OP parser for NATS in C#
- Using the OpParser with NATS to create a long running consumer in C#
- Continuing with C# and NATS, now looking at NatsObservable
- Time to construct a bundled NATS client for C#