

notes from a passionate developer





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ASP.NET, registration of a proxy-decorator service in ServiceCollection

I recently found myself, having the need of intercepting calls to a service from an external NuGet package. The Service was registered in the Service Collection via extension methods and I wanted it to be "intact", seen to configuration and dependencies etc. I needed to register a proxy/decorator, with the same lifetime, so that I could intercept the calls. Hence why services.Replace failed for me.
What I wanted was to be able to do something like the following (please guide me if there's already built in support for this):



//Simulated via:
// services.AddScoped<IExternalService, ExternalService>();

I wanted to be able to do:

services.Proxy<IExternalService>(r => new InterceptingService(


ServiceDescriptor to the rescue. All I needed to do was something in the lines of below (sample code quality, adapt to your needs). It might look a bit intimidating, but that's just because there are a bunch of overloads, you can of course reduce it if you want.

public static class ServiceProxyExtensions
    public static IServiceCollection Proxy(
        this IServiceCollection services,
        ServiceDescriptor toProxy,
        Func<(IServiceProvider ServiceProvider, Type ProxiedType), object> proxyServiceFactory)
        var proxiedType = toProxy.ImplementationType ?? throw new Exception(
            $"Can not register proxy service, as no implementation type was found for {toProxy.ServiceType}");

        services.Add(ServiceDescriptor.Describe(proxiedType, proxiedType, toProxy.Lifetime));
        services.Add(ServiceDescriptor.Describe(toProxy.ServiceType, sp => proxyServiceFactory((sp, proxiedType)),

        return services;

    public static IServiceCollection Proxy(
        this IServiceCollection services,
        Type serviceType,
        Type proxiedType,
        Func<(IServiceProvider ServiceProvider, Type ProxiedType), object> proxyServiceFactory)
        var toProxy = services.Single(sd =>
            sd.ServiceType == serviceType &&
            sd.ImplementationType == proxiedType);

        return services.Proxy(toProxy, proxyServiceFactory);

    public static IServiceCollection Proxy(
        this IServiceCollection services,
        Type serviceType,
        Func<(IServiceProvider ServiceProvider, Type ProxiedType), object> proxyServiceFactory)
        var toProxy = services.Single(sd =>
            sd.ServiceType == serviceType);

        return services.Proxy(toProxy, proxyServiceFactory);

    public static IServiceCollection Proxy<TService, TProxied>(
        this IServiceCollection services,
        Func<(IServiceProvider ServiceProvider, TService Proxied), TService> proxyServiceFactory)
        => services.Proxy(typeof(TService), typeof(TProxied), r =>
            var proxied = (TService) r.ServiceProvider.GetService(r.ProxiedType);

            return proxyServiceFactory((r.ServiceProvider, proxied));

    public static IServiceCollection Proxy<TService>(
        this IServiceCollection services,
        Func<(IServiceProvider ServiceProvider, TService Proxied), TService> proxyServiceFactory)
        => services.Proxy(typeof(TService), r =>
            var proxied = (TService) r.ServiceProvider.GetService(r.ProxiedType);

            return proxyServiceFactory((r.ServiceProvider, proxied));

This allows me to do:

Option 1:

    r => new InterceptingService(
        (IExternalService) r.ServiceProvider.GetService(r.ProxiedType)));

Option 2:

    r => new InterceptingService(
        (IExternalService) r.ServiceProvider.GetService(r.ProxiedType)));

Option 3:

services.Proxy<IExternalService, ExternalService>(r => new InterceptingService(

Option 4:

services.Proxy<IExternalService>(r => new InterceptingService(

So if we has something like these services:

public interface IExternalService
    void Execute<T>(T input);

public class ExternalService : IExternalService
    private readonly ILogger<ExternalService> _logger;

    public ExternalService(ILogger<ExternalService> logger)
        _logger = logger;
    public void Execute<T>(T input)
        _logger.LogInformation("In external service doing normal stuff");

public class InterceptingService : IExternalService
    private readonly ILogger<InterceptingService> _logger;
    private readonly IExternalService _innerExternalService;
    public InterceptingService(
        ILogger<InterceptingService> logger,
        IExternalService innerExternalService)
        _logger = logger;
        _innerExternalService = innerExternalService;

    public void Execute<T>(T input)
        _logger.LogInformation("In intercepting service");

We could use it in e.g an Controller:

public class MyController : ControllerBase
    private readonly ILogger<MyController> _logger;
    private readonly IExternalService _externalService;

    public MyController(ILogger<MyController> logger, IExternalService externalService)
        _logger = logger;
        _externalService = externalService;

    public void Get()
        _logger.LogInformation("Controller invoking service.");

And the output would be:

info: DiProxy.Controllers.MyController[0]
      Controller invoking service.
info: DiProxy.Services.InterceptingService[0]
      In intercepting service
info: DiProxy.Services.ExternalService[0]
      In external service doing normal stuff

Hope you can use it to something. Please, feel free to guide me if it's already built-in.


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