

notes from a passionate developer




This is a personal blog. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of my employer, nor current or previous. All content is published "as is", without warranty of any kind and I don't take any responsibility and can't be liable for any claims, damages or other liabilities that might be caused by the content.

Daniel Wertheim

Daniel Wertheim

CouchDB - Hyper-V

Tiny, little tip coming. If you as me, are setting up CouchDB on e.g Hyper-V on your local computer at home, you need to fix a three settings. Two of them are obvious, the third is a bit less obvious. First – Firewall By default CouchDB listens to port 5984. Ensure that is allowed as an inbound rul…

Daniel Wertheim Daniel Wertheim

Simple JavaScript slugify

I confess. Me and regular expressions aren’t buddy, buddies. So it took some trial and error before reaching this point with something useful in the context of generating slugs. There are probably tons of scripts like these, but here we go. if (!String.prototype.toSlug) { String.prototype.toSlug…

Daniel Wertheim Daniel Wertheim

An oldies week - stored procedures

This week has been a bit of a surprise. First I got some questions about NHibernate, which I realized I have been blessed from not using since around 2011, then today I got into a small discussion about stored procedures and that it’s viable to let it contain logic. I’m well aware that this is a rel…

Daniel Wertheim Daniel Wertheim