

notes from a passionate developer





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CouchDB and starts with queries

Thought we could take a quick look at how to do a SQL'ish starts with LIKE 'Prefix%' query in CouchDb, using startkey, endkey & inclusive_end.

Given a couple of simple documents:

   "_id": "m1",
   "_rev": "...",
   "v": "a"
   "_id": "m2",
   "_rev": "...",
   "v": "ab"
   "_id": "m3",
   "_rev": "...",
   "v": "abc"
   "_id": "m4",
   "_rev": "...",
   "v": "b"

and a simple secondary index, having a simple map:

function(doc) {

we can query the view without any parameters and then be getting the result:

GET: /mydb/_design/mydesigndoc/_view/myview
    "total_rows": 4,
    "offset": 0,
    "rows": [
            "id": "m1",
            "key": "a",
            "value": null
            "id": "m2",
            "key": "ab",
            "value": null
            "id": "m3",
            "key": "abc",
            "value": null
            "id": "m4",
            "key": "b",
            "value": null

Ok, so what if we would like to mimic key LIKE 'a%'? We need to do a range query using startkey and endkey. Now a misstake some people do is to know which value is the next value outside the range, combined with inclusive_end=false (to take up to the end-key). In our case: startkey="a"&endkey="b"&inclusive_end=false since b is after a. This would put unneccessary complexity in your application. Knowing what is the "next" value. Instead you can make use of a high value unicode character ufff0 which would look like this:

GET: /mydb/_design/mydesigndoc/_view/myview?startkey="a"&endkey="aufff0"
    "total_rows": 4,
    "offset": 0,
    "rows": [
            "id": "m1",
            "key": "a",
            "value": null
            "id": "m2",
            "key": "ab",
            "value": null
            "id": "m3",
            "key": "abc",
            "value": null

and that's how you can accomplish a starts with query.


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