Recently I releasedEnsure.That v2.0.0
, which is a simple guard clause project that simplifies and unifies your validation of arguments, for .Net4+, Silverlight, Windows Phone, WinRT
It’s easy to get started. It’s distributed using NuGet and exists either as a dll or as a source package.
install-package ensure.that
or for the source distribution:
install-package ensure.that.source
What does it bring?
Simplified and unified argument validation.
public void Something(string myString) {
If you want the name of the argument as the value for ArgumentException.ParamName
, you pass it:
public void Something(string myString) {
Ensure.That(myString, "myString").IsNotNullOrEmpty();
Ensure.That(myString, nameof(mystring)).IsNotNullOrEmpty();
You can chain:
public void Something(string myString) {
//same as
//But could be simplified
Ensure.That(myInt).IsInRange(1, 10);
//You can assign the value to e.g. a property
MyProperty = Ensure.That(myInt).Is(2).Value;
Wait, a magic string for the parameter name?
Yes, indeed. First. There’s an alternative so that you don’t need a magic string. Second. If you are, like me, a happer Visual Studio user cause of the daily use of ReSharper, I can tell you, it picks up those strings when you do e.g. name refactorings.
To get rid of the need of passing a string and instead use lambdas, you need to add an extenstion method as described here:
After that you can do:
public void Something(string myString) {
Ensure.That(() => myString).IsNotNullOrEmpty();
The reason to why this is not included, is that: the lambda expression-tree has negative effects on performance, as it needs to compile the expression to extract the value. May not sound like a big deal, but I want you to be aware of it, hence why you need to include it manually.
There are probably a bunch of stuff you can add that is missing. Please do. Follow this guide, and I’ll accept your pull request.
Ps! A logo would be nice as well.